This listing Has Been Sold

Retiring IFA Running a Devon Based Practice With £120m FUM and 0.5% Average Ongoing Advisory Charge

Current turn over circa: £800,000

Offers over: £250,000

Established: 20 to 25 years

Gross Recurring Revenue: 0.5-1m

Number of staff: 3 to 5

Locations: Devon

Additional Notes:

Retiring IFA Running a Devon Based Practice With £120m FUM and 0.5% Average Ongoing Advisory Charge

- Existing employed Financial planners wish to remain in the business and continue to grow the client bank
- No Defined Benefit or any other risky product exposure within the business
- The vast majority of clients are on 0.5% with the current advisory team happy to look at moving this

For more information please call 01765 698 699 and quote the reference number 30554 ask for Edward Thorpe


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