Current turn over circa: £140,000
Offers over: £410,000
Established: 10 to 15 years
Gross Recurring Revenue: 100-150k
Number of staff: 1 to 3
Locations: Bristol
Additional Notes:
Boutique IFA Managing £20m FUM Across 30 Households with an Average Ongoing Adviser Charge of 0.5%
- The top 4 clients of this Practice have a net-worth of c.£70m with the IFA managing some of the wealthiest clients in the region.
- The principal is looking for a 6-9 month handover with no other staff/offices to join the aquiring firm.
The purchaser will ideally be Chartered with several well qualified IFA's to continue the relationships.
For more information please call 01765 698 699 and quote the reference number 30415
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