Current turn over circa: £ 250,000

Offers over: £ 665,000

Established: 5-10 years

Gross Recurring Revenue: 150-200k

Number of staff: 1-3

Locations: County Durham

Additional Notes: Retirement scenario.

Average On-going Adviser Charge = 0.5 - 0.7

Total FUM = 35 million

Approximately 100 households. With an average client age of below 60 years.

No high-risk products such as DB transfers, ETF's, UCIS, Structured Products, EIS or VCT, etc.

Back office system = Intelligent office

Offers with a minimum of 50% upfront, 25% at the end of 12 months and 25% at the end of 24 months considered.

For more information please call 01765 698 699 and quote the reference number 30116


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